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Our work is in the research and development of new products that do not currently exist, committed to our DII ADN (Make a difference). converting innovative ideas into facts, smart devices such as TVs, Tablets, Smartphones and accessories that identify us authentically around the world.

all our processes, advances, development, etc. And Patents, Prototypes, Original names that belong to us making big changes that seem to be small.



- Osound V1

- Cube Coat Smart

- Seatcooler D1

- Powerseat D1

- Omouse DI 360

- Omouse speaker

- Seatmouse

- Conector Kryec

- GDSMI® audio



Because we will offer the unexpected, the unpublished, whether it is a simple invention that can survive a sandstorm, an Orren that is the first and continuity of all time, that continually changes its form and functions. we have the portfolio of authentic inventions in our ADN. in addition to making a massive investment in R&D, in which they are rich in talent such as; Student engineers, university researchers and scientific professionals, we also like to surprise and delight in new ways, including a name created Ozawen.

This center will be designed with the objective of innovating in high quality electronics and decoration products and providing solutions in each one and services of great value in national and global markets. in the coming years, the plant will have the potential to generate an estimate of workshops, which will provide support to the region, and operations would subsequently begin.

"Users capable of finding answers in the impossible, capable of making a fruit speak," said Zawen Lyns founder, CEO and CEO of the Orren Group. Peru is the first acquisition of our global expansion for design centers and other development areas. Orren is committed to building the first steps and continuing steps and a strategy for investing in local talent, which is central to this process and to the right approach to great innovations.





Our workshop is simple but innovative, where only entrepreneurs capable of finding answers to the impossible are present. Each workshop contains conference slides, plus several spaces and exercises designed for new users. with different sectors, lite edition, continuator edition and professional edition. The workshops are based on simple creations of great innovation that they can make, that awaits us a future with a flag of great contributions, ideas from all of us Orren.

build each piece, own components, own elaborations that correspond to us 100% starting little by little with big ideas.

We believe that what little we do and / or will do in the future will be of great answers for a new and strong initiative, for the creation of new innovative, outstanding and corporate products.



Orren Inc. will become a global brand with a presence in more than 5 regions of the world.

  • Orren Perú

  • Orren Philippines

  • Orren USA

  • Orren France

  • Orren Italia

  • Orren India

  • Orren Canada

  • Orren Mèxico

  • Orren Russia





From its origin to the month of April, 2020, Orren is very original for its great principles and authenticity as its ideals in the continuity and incorporation of electronic components. Currently even the most thorough, only for all the information of the corporation Orren technology and Orren decoration Peru, equivalent to a total sum of $225,000 thousand dollars, and to date any organization and / or people who can usurp our identity, will be sued judicially with a penalty of an amount of money of $ 40,000 thousand dollars for the sole reason of shadowing and / or changes, modifications in all development, research, development of new products, slogan, translation, ideas, names, sub names, disclosures on networks social etc.

All the information from Orren represents the country of Peru and its creator, the young entrepreneur, Zawen Lyns Meza Orihuela, CEO and CEO of the company Orren Technology Perú. (Orren will become a global brand).




Central City: Trujillo

Nª, Perù






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